Turning interest into positive action.
About Us
The Child Welfare Political Action Committee Canada (Child Welfare PAC) is a registered Canadian charity that advocates for a progressive child welfare system. Research has shown that youth leaving the child protection system at the age of majority have worsened life outcomes than their peers. The system continues to struggle to ensure youth succeed after care. The key to breaking the cycle is evidence-based policy-making aimed at improving youth life outcomes.

Our Mission
The Child Welfare PAC seeks to build a progressive child welfare system by providing real-life expertise, high-quality research, and effective advocacy so that all youth can realise their success.

Our Vision
A child welfare system that ensures every youth has a bright future.
The Issue
​Youth who leave foster care face challenging life outcomes including:
low academic achievement
unemployment and underemployment
homelessness and housing insecurity
criminal justice system involvement
early pregnancy and parenthood
health and mental health outcomes
Despite decades of studies, increased investment, and many professionals who care, these results are not changing.
The Solution

Post-Secondary Achievement
Aim to increase post-secondary enrollment through evidence-based policies and open access to post-secondary to those excluded by restrictive criteria for support.

Career Connections
Empower foster kids by establishing accessible pathways to apprenticeships in diverse careers through strategic partnerships. Fostering a bridge to meaningful and lasting careers.

Privacy Rights
Implement a rights-based framework for those raised in foster care. Amend legislation to: define an appropriate access period to files, seal files after access period, archive data in separate data base, and allow third party access to archived files through the courts.
Mental Health and Wellness
Ensure all practitioners are trained in trauma-informed service. Amend related post-secondary curricula accordingly. Address need effectively. Have a strategy.

Evidence-based Policy Making
Research life outcomes of kids raised in care. Create strict evidence-based standards for prospective policies and programs. Measure policy and program impact to ensure value-for-dollar.
In memory of
Lois Rothrock-Wilson
Lois Rothrock-Wilson’s bright light shone in this world from February 20, 1959 to May 27, 2021. As a professional social worker, Lois brought fierce love and determination to her thirty year career as a child protection worker. During her years on the front lines, she was a competent investigator, supervisor, and a strong advocate for children and their families. Lois was a trusted mentor to many, offering wise guidance with a healthy dose of humour. With her keen sense of justice and deep belief in the power of education to create opportunities in life, Lois would have embraced increasing social mobility and improving outcomes for current and former youth in care across Canada.
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"Since the beginning, I knew the Child Welfare PAC was an innovative results-based organization. Aside from the benchmark work they do for improving the lives of those raised by the government, I am immensely impressed with their disciplined focus on political change and accountability at the root of child protection issues. Too many advocacy organizations become caught in the weeds and struggle to affect systemic change. The CWPAC simply gets the job done."
"The Child Welfare PAC is inspiring in their vision and achievements to date. This is a pan-Canadian organization that was founded by people who grew up in care. Along with allies, community members, politicians, and corporations they have begun a movement that advocates provincially & nationally for improved accountability & positive outcomes for every child & youth in government funded care. I have retired after 36 years experience in child welfare in Ontario in child protection and community development & prevention. I am proud to be an ally with the CWPAC."
"All foster kids deserve to feel safe and loved. I support the Child Welfare PAC by donating and fundraising because the system must do better to support youth so they succeed after a life in care".
"I volunteer with the Child Welfare PAC because I've personally seen just how different the developmental trajectories of youth in the system can play out. We need to do more to support our most vulnerable kids, which is what the Child Welfare PAC is advocating for. I am proud to be an ally in the Child Welfare PACs efforts to achieve better outcomes for youth in care."
“Having worked in the child welfare system for over 20 years, I have consistently observed the need for change. This need is predicated on balancing proper information, data and evidence rather than speculation and being proactive rather than reactive. This begins with having everyone who is impacted at the table to provide their input and to listen to one another. I felt compelled to become an ally of the Child Welfare PAC because I know that if we work together and have the bigger and more difficult conversations, the future can be much brighter. I am proud to work with the many wonderful people dedicated to a much brighter future. ALL children deserve this!”
"I volunteer because every child deserves a fair opportunity to succeed in life. I learned about the PAC when the Founder presented to my political science class. I was drawn to the work being done and realised how important it is to bring change to the system so that no child is left behind."